Why do developers get insomnia? Because of the RESTless APIs…

There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing how to integrate with D365 F&O. But rather like a extensive menu at a restaurant, too much choice can make it difficult to find the right solution for the task at hand! The purpose of this post is to present an overview of the options …

What makes Microsoft ERP better than the competition?

It feels like as good time as any to reflect on and celebrate some of the reasons why Microsoft ERP solutions are market leaders – and we’re obviously not forgetting our little cousin D365 BC here. Let’s go! Track all markets on TradingView Choosing Microsoft for your ERP solution is a winning formula – why …

Supercharge your F&O user experience with Power Platform

Repeat after me, “Power Platform is not the sole preserve of D365 CE consultants!”

I still find it necessary to remind our good friends in the D365 CE camp that although Power Automate, Power Apps, and Dataverse, owe their origins to the D365 CRM/xRM platform, they are now for everyone. Equally, it has been hard to draw D365 F&O consultants into the Power Platform, as it’s historically perceived as “something the CE folk deal with”.

Imagine my delight when I learnt about the recent release of “Extending Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation Apps with Power Platform”, by Adrià Ariste Santacreu.

Understanding Pre-Sales in the Context of ERP

ERP systems have revolutionised the way businesses operate, offering integrated management of core business processes like finance, supply chain management and HR. However, before implementation gets underway, there’s a critical phase known as pre-sales. Let’s delve into what pre-sales means! What is Pre-Sales? Pre-sales is a set of activities that precede the “sale”, i.e. the …