Supercharge your F&O user experience with Power Platform

Repeat after me, “Power Platform is not the sole preserve of D365 CE consultants!”

I still find it necessary to remind our good friends in the D365 CE camp that although Power Automate, Power Apps, and Dataverse, owe their origins to the D365 CRM/xRM platform, they are now for everyone. Equally, it has been hard to draw D365 F&O consultants into the Power Platform, as it’s historically perceived as “something the CE folk deal with”.

Imagine my delight when I learnt about the recent release of “Extending Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation Apps with Power Platform”, by AdriĆ  Ariste Santacreu.

Is your HR team flooded with the same old questions?

It occurs to me that hard-working HR teams must deal with a lot of repeat business, with questions like: Where do I find my P60? How much can I claim for bike in the cycle-to-work scheme? What’s my annual leave balance? Why do I need to submit this form? And given that HR is a cost centre, not a profit centre, it’s harder to justify additional costs. Of course, there’s now a much easier way to help colleagues to help themselves…

Your own AI assistant at the heart of your ERP

If you’ve used ChatGPT, Bing, or Google Bard – or any of the multitude of AI tools that have flooded the web this past year – you’ve no doubt appreciated how much time and effort can be saved by using them smartly. If you haven’t, now really is the right time to get started! Imagine …

Capturing purchase invoices with OCR

In the world of finance, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. One area where these qualities are particularly important is in the management and processing of invoices.  This is where the Invoice Capture solution in D365 comes in. How does it work? Invoice Capture is a feature in D365 F&O that automatically creates supplier invoices from digital invoice …