All together now… working across multiple companies

The post last week about posting Global general journals from one entity was part of a wider thought process for a client relating to working across regions (i.e. groups of legal entities) and globally (all legal entities in an environment). Take an example, whereby a user needs to create a new fixed asset, one for …

One at a time… batch posting journals across entities?

Imagine having hundreds of journal lines to import that need posting across multiple legal entities. Now imagine having to log into each legal entity one-by-one, to post the journal lines for each entity.

Clearly that is unacceptable for anything over a couple of lines and/or legal entities!

Until relatively recently, it was only possible to create a Global general journal, i.e. a General journal for another legal entity, within the current/active legal entity.

A relatively new piece of functionality now allows you to post Global general journals in batch.

Why do developers get insomnia? Because of the RESTless APIs…

There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing how to integrate with D365 F&O. But rather like a extensive menu at a restaurant, too much choice can make it difficult to find the right solution for the task at hand! The purpose of this post is to present an overview of the options …

Would you consider F&O on its own for CRM?

D365 F&O integrates nicely with D365 CE (via Dual Write/Dataverse) and the process of doing so is getting even easier with the latest updates. With Microsoft long holding a spot in the top three global CRM providers, it’s easy to see why D365 CE would be the go-to solution for a Microsoft-first organisation in need …

Trial balance using OData in Excel

We had a user who was keen to have a trial balance report in Microsoft Excel, rather than having to access D365 F&O directly. They also preferred not to use Power BI for this particular case. Firstly, a quick reminder of what a trial balance is. A trial balance is essentially a financial report that summarises the …