The system is your canvas – BDM in F&O

In support of the Microsoft OneVersion upgrade strategy (One Version Service Update Changes) there has been, and continues to be, a continued drive to maintain alignment with the standard application and therefore minimise the risks when upgrade (Embracing the “Adopt not Adapt” approach in ERP implementation). Some of the most commonly customised areas of old, …

D365 F&O – Let’s make it personal!

The adoption of a modern day tier 1 ERP system such as Dynamics 365 F&O has numerous advantages when it comes to the streamlining and standardisation of the technology stack. However, when users move from many single purpose systems to one which can manage the entire end to end business operations, it can be overwhelming. …

When do Accelerators make you faster? the conclusion. (Part 3)

In this final post following How to identify the different types of Accelerator (Part 2). I look to highlight areas of consideration, questions and closing thoughts when making this key decision. What should I be aware of when considering accelerators? Accelerators can be exceptional value for an organization when fully understood. Where their full benefits, …

How to identify the different types of Accelerator (Part 2)

In this post, following on from Part 1 we continue by exploring the types of accelerators on the market, configuration, software based and methodology. It is important to note that as the word accelerator is not a standardised term, there isn’t an expected or default accelerator type, these are the most common accelerators I have …

Do Accelerators really make your project faster? (Part 1)

Accelerators are an unregulated term for implementation projects, and when it comes to D365, an accelerator might be the very thing you are trying to avoid (especially when it comes to F&O but this is also relevant to CE), using customized and proprietary IP that ties you to a single vendor. This series of posts …

Is a new implementation/ upgrade the answer?

Not all ERP and finance systems are created equal and over time may become outdated or misaligned with the changing needs of the business. In this case, an upgrade or replacement may be considered necessary to keep up with the market demands, leverage new opportunities and achieve the businesses growth strategy. The initial appeal to …