Don’t dwell on the past, unless it’s Workflow History

Following on from my earlier post about the workflow editor, naturally leads us to how workflows are managed in the system. I’ll use this post to talk about how you can review workflows that are either in process or completed and what to do if one of your workflows fails trying to complete your day-to-day …

The system is your canvas – BDM in F&O

In support of the Microsoft OneVersion upgrade strategy (One Version Service Update Changes) there has been, and continues to be, a continued drive to maintain alignment with the standard application and therefore minimise the risks when upgrade (Embracing the “Adopt not Adapt” approach in ERP implementation). Some of the most commonly customised areas of old, …

Going with the (Work)flow Editor

For a D365 F&O end user, workflows are pretty natural. You fire off your purchase order and it lands in the approvers’ job list ready to be approved, modified or rejected. It’s a straightforward and integral part of any mature ERP solution. 

But what pain do us consultants and administrators go through to make that process work so smoothly?! I give you… the Workflow Editor.