I was working in a new environment recently and realised I couldn’t find a specific data entity that I needed. I knew it existed, so where was it?
I checked under Data entities in the Data management workspace, and it was still nowhere to be seen:
Then I remembered a valuable function that all D365 F&O consultants and system administrators should know about: Refresh entity list.
Of course, I made sure to grab some screenshots on the way for a quick blog post!
Framework parameters
The function isn’t particularly obvious if you don’t where to look. You need to go to Framework parameters, which by default is located in the middle of all the tiles on the Data management framework:
Once on, go to Entity settings, and there you’ll see the button to “Refresh entity list”:
Please wait…
When you click the button, you’ll get a friendly blue banner informing you that a batch job has been triggered.
Head over to Batch jobs in the System administration module menu, and lo, you’ll find the “Refresh entity list” batch job executing:
You’ll be in for a wait now – probably about 15 minutes – so you might as well go and grab a cuppa.
When you return, check the batch job has ended, and return to the Data management workspace to find all your entities restored!